Re: How can i set,when i upload image to another server.

  •  07-05-2012, 1:06 AM

    Re: How can i set,when i upload image to another server.

                string file_path_virtual = "/WebsitesNew/";
                string file_path = Server.MapPath(file_path_virtual);
                Response.Write("physics path:"+file_path+"<br>"); 
    get result is:
    physics path:\\\home\
                string file_path_virtual = "~/WebsitesNew/";
                string file_path = Server.MapPath(file_path_virtual);
                Response.Write("physics path:"+file_path+"<br>"); 
    get result is:Editor1.SetSecurityImageGalleryPath("~/WebsitesNew"); 
    physics path:E:\mysite\Saber\WebsitesNew
    the right is  Editor1.SetSecurityImageGalleryPath("/WebsitesNew"); 
    I can not resolve the problem,How can i do make the control can work,When i set the virtual point to  physics is \\\home\  virtual path name  is "WebsitesNew", My iis Set secreen capture
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