Upload button works only after second press + Javascript errors

  •  07-02-2012, 11:00 AM

    Upload button works only after second press + Javascript errors

    I've been playing around with the Ajax upload control, it is the one in the downloadable package in the "Framework 2.0-Csharp" folder. Especially   I have been testing with Demo 6 "Large file upload", since that is what we want to use it for in our company. I am using the latest Chrome for my testing, and IIS 7 with .NET 4.0 in Integrated Pipeline mode, running on Windows Server 2008.
    I have my current progress available as a download from:
    The problems I am getting:
      • Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) http://localhost/upload2/CuteWebUI_Uploader_Resource.axd?type=script&_ver=634750458880000000
      • Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) http://localhost/upload2/CuteWebUI_Uploader_Resource.axd?type=file&file=continuous.gif
      • Uncaught ReferenceError: CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_Initialize is not defined
    As it stands now we are not going to use this control further, unless someone can help to solve the problems...
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