Button Roll-Over Bug in Firefox

  •  06-20-2012, 11:36 AM

    Button Roll-Over Bug in Firefox

    Upon selecting text and clicking the "bold" or "italic" buttons, they move into an active state:
    Then, while that text is still selected in the edit window, and those buttons still showing an active state, the user can mouse over those buttons temporarily triggering an over state:
    Finally, when the cursor moves off of those buttons, instead of moving back to the active state, it triggers the default state:
    This, in effect, loses the active state of those buttons in firefox, even when the text is highlighted and marked up as bold/italic during this entire process.
    This doesn't happen in testing with IE8, but the majority of our users are using firefox, so it would be great if this could work correctly in both browsers. Any pointers as to how to make that happen?
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