Inserting image from custom imagegallery

  •  06-11-2012, 2:34 AM

    Inserting image from custom imagegallery

    Hi all
    I'm new here - and I might be posting this "problem" in the wrong place!
    I'm haveing some trouble inserting images from my own custom imagegallery into the editor, this is what I have done.
    A custom button
    $editor->CustomAddons = "<img title=\"Indsæt billede\" class=\"CuteEditorButton\" onmouseover=\"CuteEditor_ButtonCommandOver(this)\" onmouseout=\"CuteEditor_ButtonCommandOut(this)\" onmousedown=\"CuteEditor_ButtonCommandDown(this)\" onmouseup=\"CuteEditor_ButtonCommandUp(this)\" ondragstart=\"CuteEditor_CancelEvent()\" Command=\"billedarkiv\" src=\"../gfx/edit-gfx1.gif\" />";
    With the following javascript after
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" >
       var editor1=document.getElementById("ClientID");
       function CuteEditor_OnCommand(editor1,command,ui,value) {
           //handle the command by yourself
           if(command=="billedarkiv") {
                  var newwin=editor1.ShowDialog(null,"../common/popup-billedarkiv_v2.0.php",editor1,"dialogWidth:800px;dialogHeight:600px");
                  return true;
    When the user clicks the button, the dialog window loads perfectly, and I can select and add pictures to the gallery without problems.
    My script creates an html img tag, and I want to return this to the editor.
    My script looks like this
                echo "<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>\n";
                echo "<!--\n";
                echo " var imagename = '" . $imagename . "';\n";
                echo " var imagestring  = ('<img border=0 src=" . $billedarkivpath . "' + imagename + '\>');\n";
                echo "editor1.PasteHTML(imagestring);";
                echo "  window.close();\n";
                echo "// -->\n";
                echo "</script>\n";
    I think the problem has something to do with eidtor1.PasteHTML(imagestring) - and also I'm not sure how to close the window :)
    all/any help is appreaciated :)
    Best regards
    Bee (DK)
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