SOLVED: Submitting dynamic text from CMS

  •  02-20-2012, 8:38 AM

    SOLVED: Submitting dynamic text from CMS

    I just installed this nice wysiwyg editor into my recently built CMS. Following the instructions given by the documentation, this tool was easily integrated. However, the following occurs:
    When adding the editor into my CMS management part, I replaced  
    1. $editor->Text="Type here";  
    1. $editor->Text=$pagebody;  
    , where $pagebody is the dynamic text meant to be placed in the body of my site and named id "pagebody" to fit my allready working CMS.
    1. $editor->ID="pagebody";  
    Other than this, some checkboxes and input fields are part of this page in order to manage page titles, page order, and so on. All is part of one form, including the textarea replacement from CuteEditor.
    Now, when opening the management page, the dynamic text is shown without a problem. Whenever saving the altered page by pushing the submit button, all the information from the form is parsed by a parsing file. This parsing file then does some checking on the posted input fields and then updates the database.
    All goes well, except, the information from the altered textarea is not saved: the same content as queried and shown before is saved... Why? 
    Can anyone tell my why this is happening? Am I doing something wrong? Any help is appreciated!
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