tmp_name is not exists C:\WINDOWS\Temp\php...

  •  01-27-2012, 4:33 AM

    tmp_name is not exists C:\WINDOWS\Temp\php...

    We are getting this error
    Error:mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists , failed to make dir 'C:\WINDOWS\Temp/uploadertemp' , at D:\Website\xx\xx\cuteeditor_files\Dialogs\phpuploader\include_phpuploader.php line 199 
    We have hosted the site in IIS. I found on of your threads that gave solutions for fixing this. I followed them and included  $uploader->TempDirectory = "D:/Website/xx/xx/";
    in Dialog/upload.php
    Now the above error is no more but created another when trying to upload something. We get this error:
    Server side exception : failed to upload 1.jpg
    Debug Information:
    (1) tmp_name is not exists C:\WINDOWS\Temp\php24D.tmp 
     Need help urgently. We are running phphtmledit using license in most our clients and we need to fix ASAP. If you need any info from our side please email
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