Spell Checker

  •  01-10-2012, 4:05 PM

    Spell Checker

    When a new word is added to the dictionary via the Add button on the spellchecker page, where does it get stored?
    I would have expected that the dic files would get updated but that doesn't appear to be the case.
    I've had a couple of errors saying that the word has already been added which I'm trying to track down as it doesn't happen on the dev version but I can't attempt to test on the live version without potentially adding an incorrectly spelt word (especially if I can't find out how to reverse the addition)

    Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'these'Key being added: 'these'


    at System.Collections.Hashtable.Insert(Object key, Object nvalue, Boolean add)

    at NetSpell.SpellChecker.Dictionary.WordDictionary.Add(String word)

    at ASP.PopUpSpell.AddButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:\Masters\NSA\HUB V1.0\NSA_HUB\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\SpellCheck.aspx:line 263

    at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)

    at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)

    at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument)

    at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)

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