Re: Files/Links menu option does not reliably add files/links to document:

  •  01-09-2012, 2:01 PM

    Re: Files/Links menu option does not reliably add files/links to document:

    Are you testing this on FF and Chrome?

    >>Test Case #1:
    I am able to reproduce this, but it's a little flaky.  Last time I got it to break was immediately after I changed from Default to Compact mode, refreshed the page, and then started in on the test cases.

    You have to keep trying, because I am reliably able to reproduce this problem, and the outcome results in the javascript error message documented above.
    This is the only way we allow customers to add documents to their pages., is through the drop downs.

    >>Test Case #2:
    Sorry- I don't understand your comments.  Are you saying you're not seeing a problem?  Test Case #2 looks ok in my latest tests.  Please focus on test case #1. 
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