Re: Object required: 'jfile' ERROR - Please Help

  •  12-19-2011, 8:17 AM

    Re: Object required: 'jfile' ERROR - Please Help

    Yes, I can confirm, the AJAX multiple files test in your package does not work here... I get error 500 and I get line 464 error in include_aspuploader.asp and object: required: jfile.

    Something is wrong with ajax request I guess with your function as on the handler page I have problem. The problem seems to be in the mvcfile=uploader.GetUploadedFile(list(i)) as I already told you, if I do response.end() before this line I do not get error and redirect (obviously I get no file info also!) but if I do response.end() after this line I get error 500.

    CLearly the problem is either in your protected js code somewhere or in my server configurations. As all the other modules and everything works on my server that is quite busy, I do believe you have a bug ;-(

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