Re: Documentation

  •  12-08-2011, 6:59 AM

    Re: Documentation

    Hi Geminior,
    1. What is RequireUploadCompleted on UploaderBase?
    Can you explain this question in detail? Uploader has a method "UploadCompleted", but I am not sure what do you mean the "RequireUploadCompleted ".
    2. Will the UploadAttachments control work in browsers that do not support Flash or Silverlight? It is stated briefly in the FAQ that the Multiple file select option requires Flash or SL, so my guess is that it will not, but I would like confirmation on this.
    The uploader control will work even has not Flash and Silverlight plug-in install.  The Flash and Silverlight use for the multiple files upload function. If no Flash/Silverlight, it will switch to IFrame mode.
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