Re: can i use the Cute Editor for .NET 4.0 in ASP file?

  •  06-02-2005, 9:01 AM

    Re: can i use the Cute Editor for .NET 4.0 in ASP file?

    I am evaluating your Cute Editor for .NET 4.0 (I am impressed).  I am also trying to access the Cute Editor for .NET in an ASP file (pop-up window).  I looked at your exmaple at which is exactely what I need and viewed the source to try and reverse engineer your logic.  My code is bombing in getparentdata() function on the line "var editdoc = editor1.GetDocument();" with an error that the object doesn't support this method.  I am sure it's because I haven't coded the child page correctly.
    Could I also get a copy of the asp source code for the child page for this?  I think that would help me solve my problem.
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