Re: Localhost and LIVE host

  •  05-27-2005, 3:45 PM

    Re: Localhost and LIVE host

    Well its already okay.. no probs with it. the...DIR..  C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\SamplePortal\bin   thats where the files are... (CuteSoft.Chat. dll, CuteSoft.ChatService.dll, sampleportal.dll and the .lic files are) i even downloaded ur file which contains a new .lic files.. but that cant be the problem.. i have the exact folder structure for localhost... and 100% same files... its works fine in my PC. . And yes.. i did created virtual directory or i wont even get to see the home and the login page. Atleat it worked 1 or 2 times. (LIVE)  After that i keep getting this errors. first "dataprovider error" and then "File or assembly name CuteChatControls, or one of its dependencies, was not found" thingy. But the DLL's are okay. Even though i completely remove virtual directory and made a new one and also copy the new files again from the zip file, Plus deleting the db and creating a new one. and running the sql scripts again. Basicaly re-installing. Aslo i cleared the .net temp files (C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\Temporary ASP.NET Files\sampleportal) very strange... oh by the way our net connection is a static IP which runs on proxy. Im really wondering is it me or other ppl do get these probs... 
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