CuteEditor load error with SSL configured

  •  10-14-2011, 12:34 PM

    CuteEditor load error with SSL configured

    We are using 6.6
    When SSL is configured, the CuteEditor never load properly. The editor seems to "load" but user cannot type anything in the editor field. When using Chromes developer tools, we found that one of its request URLs starts with "http" and NOT the expected "https". This maybe the cause of this because this is a bug for sure. The URL to "Template.aspx" has a request parameter called "Referrer". The value of this parameter begins with "http" and not the expected "https". This request to "Template.aspx" work correctly. However, there is a request later on that completely fails to respond from the sever. This URL("load.ashx") begins with "http" and not the expected "https". In fact, this is the ONLY URL that is non-secure.
    Would you please help to fix this issue or provide a workaround it.
    Attached is the screen shot from Chromes developer tools.
    Thanks, Qian 
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