Spell Check changes the first letter of every sentence after the ENTER key to lowercase

  •  10-12-2011, 9:54 AM

    Spell Check changes the first letter of every sentence after the ENTER key to lowercase

    We're using CuteEditor with Visual Studio 2010 ASP.NET pages and .NET framework 4. Development on Windows 7 and deployment on Windows Server 2003.
    Whenever a user presses the "Spell Check" icon, the first letter of every sentence after the ENTER key (HTML <br />) gets changed from uppercase to lowercase. No errors are found by the Spell Checker
    Text in CuteEditor window before Spell Check:
    Hi, how are you today? Doing well? I hope so.
    Yes, I'm doing fine. And yourself?
    Good... real good. Nice weather, isn't it?
    Yes, quite nice. I really enjoy it.
    So do I.
    Text in CuteEditor window after Spell Check:
    Hi, how are you today? Doing well? I hope so.
    yes, I'm doing fine. And yourself?
    good... real good. Nice weather, isn't it?
    yes, quite nice. I really enjoy it.
    so do I.
    The issue only seems to happen after the HTML <br />. I've changed the cuteEditor.BreakElement from CuteEditor.BreakElement.Br to CuteEditor.BreakElement.P to no avail.
    Thanks for any help you can provide!
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