JavaScript is executed in “NORAML”, “PREVIEW” tab and considered the result as part of the content.

  •  08-23-2011, 1:44 PM

    JavaScript is executed in “NORAML”, “PREVIEW” tab and considered the result as part of the content.

    CuteEditor Support,


    We are using the latest 6.6 (downloaded from the website on 8/23/2011)


    issue: JavaScript is executed in “NORAML”, “PREVIEW” tab and considered the result as part of the content.


    Repro steps:

    1)     Create a webstie and put the following content in the default.aspx page. (This is provided by Kenneth in CuteEditor Support team)




    <!DOCTYPEhtmlPUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN""">












    2) On the Editor, Click “HTML” tab, copy the following content in there

    <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Dynamic Schedule</TITLE>
    <SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
    var now=new Date();
    document.write("The Time is "+now);
    // --->

    3)     Click “NORMAL” and “PREVIEW tab, you will see the date and time is show there which means the javascript was executed.

    4)     Click back to “HTML” tab, you see the content of the javascript result is in there.

    5)     Sometimes, when you click “NORMAL”, then back to “HTML”, the javascript maybe removed.

    Kenneth suggested me to remove the “EditCompleteDocument="true"”.This resolved the problem of Javascript but it also removed “<HTML> and <HEADER>” in the HTML tab which is not acceptable in our case.
    Thanks, Qian


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