Re: Popup blocked javascript error

  •  05-24-2005, 12:38 PM

    Re: Popup blocked javascript error

    Any thoughts on this issue?  The demo editor will generate an error as well.
    Here's some details:
    Use a recent version of IE (mine is 6.0.2900.2180) the Popup Blocker enabled
    Draw a 2x2 table on the editor page
    Select the table and bring up the Table Properties window
    Click the Cell Properties button
    The demo editor will generate an "Access Denied" error.  The editor on my site generates an "Object doesn't support this property or method" error.  My editor is shown in a modal dialog window, so the different error is understandable.
    I didn't check all the possibilities, but the Cell Properties and Row Properties windows were the only ones I could find that generated these errors.  Is there some difference to the way these windows are instantiated that causes the Popup Blocker to go to work?
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