Problem Uploading a File Whose Filename Contains an Apostrophe

  •  08-16-2011, 8:58 PM

    Problem Uploading a File Whose Filename Contains an Apostrophe

    I have encountered two bugs pertaining to the attempt to upload a file whose filename contains an apostrophe.
    1. The "progress" message that appears during the upload process  and the display of the filename with the green checkmark after the file has been uploaded both display a double-quote instead of the apostrophe.  For example, if the filename is "Dan O'Connor.jpg", one sees

           Dan O"Connor.jpg

      in these messages.

    2. On my (PC-based) test server, the file is uploaded with the correct filename:  Dan O'Connor.jpg

      On the (Linux) production server, the file is uploaded with the filename:  'Connor.jpg.  That is, the first characters of the filename, "Dan O", are simply dropped.

    Is this a known bug?  Is there a way to avoid these problems?
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