Clarify "developer workstation" etc.

  •  08-11-2011, 11:17 AM

    Clarify "developer workstation" etc.

    Could you clarify the following paragraph, please?
    You may also install and use the Software on an unlimited number of developer workstations (but not on a development server) for use in connection with the same single website host name when accessed by thehttp://localhost/Webapplication
    The most confusing part of this text is "for use in connection with the same single website host name," which seems to impose a specific restriction and yet to have no specific technical or legal meaning.
    Here are some scenarios that appear reasonable, so I'll ask if these fit the definition of permitted developer workstations:
    • Any computer running the code through loopback / / localhost, when that computer is not the same box as the licensed production server.  (The quoted text almost sounds like a "developer workstation" is intended to be a terminal application running locally against the production server.)
    • The localhost URL root corresponds to the production server URL root.  That is to say, the local copy of is located at http://localhost/abc/page.php, NOT at http://localhost/mysite/abc/def.php.  No particular directory name is required on localhost, no "umbrella" directory is required locally, and there is no requirement preventing any pages using Cute Editor from being at the localhost URL root, e.g. http://localhost/page.php.

    • The virtual site using Cute Editor can be identified locally as something like http://mysite.localhost/... or as http://mylocalsite/... or as or any other locally defined name running on loopback, so that various distinct applications under development do not collide on localhost/
    Are there licensing-related technical characteristics that will cause any of these scenarios to fail?  For instance, must a developer use exactly http://localhost/... and reconfigure its Apache DocumentRoot whenever switching from one test/development code base to another?
    Is it accurate to say that in your language, the difference between a developer workstation and a development server is only that a development server accepts remote connections?
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