Some spaces removed from template

  •  08-03-2011, 2:01 PM

    Some spaces removed from template

    I discovered a new issue with the CuteEditor and I am able to reproduce it.
    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Create a new .htm file on your hard drive with the following content (IMPORTANT: notice the spaces before the <a> tag and after the </a>
      1. <html>  
      2.     <head>  
      3.     </head>  
      4.     <body>  
      5.         This is Microsoft's <a href="">web</a> site.  
      6.     </body>  
      7. </html>  
    2. Go to
    3. Click on the "Insert template" button
    4. Click on "Upload", and select the .htm you create in step 1
    5. When your template is uploaded, click on it and click on "Insert"
    Finally, take a look at the resulting HTML that was inserted in your HTML editor. You will notice the spaces before and after the link have been removed. Here is a screenshot of the result from my testing :
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