Re: Help with upgrade from version 3 to version 4 on Cute Editor for ASP

  •  05-21-2005, 10:46 PM

    Re: Help with upgrade from version 3 to version 4 on Cute Editor for ASP

    There are a few more issues than described, but for the most part it is not major surgery, more out-patient.

    StyleSheetPath property, even though listed in the help file, is not supported; I think this is now replaced by EditorWysiwygModeCss. Organizing the help file would help.
    StyleDropDownMenuNames and StyleDropDownMenuList apply to the Class Drop Down, not indicated in the help. Not sure where the inline style list is defined.
    I would REALLY like the HTML view to product READABLE HTML Code, it could be a property that is not shown in the help. I notice that in this version, the html code looks clean, but in the ASP version it does not. And fleshing out the help file to more than one sentence per property would be nice.

    I also was wondering if there is a way to invoke the editor with a server.createobject so we can see the properties for the object while in Visual Studio or have a Type Definition file.
    In general it looks clean, but I have not yet tried all of the exmaples I have that broke the last version.
    One question, since this now is more or less XML, does the application make sure that the text being submitted is fully formed? That is wrapping what ever is needed to make it legal ? I had the problem once that a piece of code got truncated and was in the middle of a class='xxx with out the closing quote and killed the CuteEditor.
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