Re: Cannot remove Bullets/Numbering in Chrome

  •  07-01-2011, 12:02 PM

    Re: Cannot remove Bullets/Numbering in Chrome

    Hi Eric,
    Here is my step:
 , can you reproduce it in our online demo?
    I tried it and cannot reproduce, my steps are as follows:
    2. Remove all content
    3. Input the following text in editor area
    4. Select Only Test1, Test2, Test3 (Basically only select partial content rather than entire contain on the page. I have total 6 lines in this example, I only select 3 lines) and Click button "Insert Numbered List" and "Insert Unordered List"
    5. The "Numbered List" and "Unordered List" work fine
    6. Click button "Insert Numbered List" and "Insert Unordered List" again
    7. The "Numbered List" and "Unordered List" are NOT removed
    I am using Chrome 12.0.742.112.
    Thanks, Qian
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