Re: Automatically Redirect after Upload is complete

  •  06-29-2011, 4:14 PM

    Re: Automatically Redirect after Upload is complete

    Unfortunately that isn't working for me.  When I call "return false" in the OnPostback() function my 
    1. Public Sub Uploader_FileUploaded(sender as object, args as UploaderEventArgs)  
    3.         If System.IO.File.Exists("\\server1\upload\"+args.FileName) = True Then  
    4.             System.IO.File.Delete("\\server1\upload\"+args.FileName)  
    5.         End If  
    7.         args.MoveTo("\\server1\upload\"+args.FileName)  
    8.     End Sub  
    function is NOT called, so the file is still in the "persisted.[guid].[filename].resx" format which is not what I want.  I need the function to be called to move the file to the correct location.
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