Ajax Uploader - ManualStartUpload="true"

  •  06-13-2011, 3:14 PM

    Ajax Uploader - ManualStartUpload="true"

    I am using an Ajax uploader control with ManualStartUpload="true".  My problem is that on the same page, I am doing a lot of Jquery Ajax calls to populate various parts of the page. So the main page has several parts that get their HTML and data by making Jquery AJAX calls.  While I can use the Ajax uploader control to browse for and select files, on my Submit click, I need to also do the upload in client side with out going back to the server side code.  when I try to do this, I get the following error message:
    'the State information is invalid for this page and might be corrupted'  
    In my client side function when the submit button is clicked, I am finding the uploader object and calling uploader.startupload() on it.  The upload begins, and the indicator goes from 0% to 100% and turns green, but the above error message also shows up and there is a little warning icon next to the file that I tried to upload.  When I hover over the alert icon, the tool tip says cancelled.  Do you have any suggestions/ideas?
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