Ajax Uploader - more control over 'Cancel All Uploads' button

  •  06-10-2011, 7:49 AM

    Ajax Uploader - more control over 'Cancel All Uploads' button

    I am new to using the Ajax Uploader control.   I am trying to use the ajax uploader tool and I have ManualStartUpload set, so the uploads don't start immediately.  However, A user can select the files he/she wishes to upload and they get added to the page.  After the second files is selected, a 'Cancel All Uploads' button appears.  Clicking it, removes all selected files from the list of files to upload.  I would like to do one of the following 2 things:
    1) In client side, handle the event of the cancel all uploads button so that I can do other client side actions when this happens.
    2) I would like to have my own button (called something else and not necessarily tied to the ajax uploader control) remove all selected files (in client side code) from the ajax uploader.  I already have this button performing other client side activities, but now I also need it to remove the files that have been selected to be uploaded.
    Can either one of these be pulled off, and if so, can you give me guidance and what the best way to achieve either would be?
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