Re: How to automatically connect/pass-through an authenticated website visitor to a LiveSupport chat session?

  •  06-10-2011, 6:20 AM

    Re: How to automatically connect/pass-through an authenticated website visitor to a LiveSupport chat session?

    Hi Ken
    In the process of evaluating the product and have the following set-up requirements.
    I have one instance of DNN installed with  3 Parent Portals;
    • Company A
    • Company B
    • Company C
    We have operators that look after specific companies or a combination of them.
    For example for unauthenticated users I do not want a visitor to have to specify a Category as I want operators dedicated for Company A to automatically que requests for Company A operators without specifying the Department in the drop down.
    For example for authenticated users I do not want users to complete any form but just pickup their DNN user name and email etc. I also want only operators dedicated to Company A to que requests automaticaly for Company A only.
    I have not looked at the sourcefiles just yet but would I be able to achieve this with your suggested solution to question 1 above?
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