IE9 Issue JavaScript Errors when using Custom ComboBoxTree

  •  06-07-2011, 3:18 AM

    IE9 Issue JavaScript Errors when using Custom ComboBoxTree

    This is the combo box that normally has the MSN, YAHOO, Etc... Link
    I have tested it on your Demo site and it seems to work fine here...
    When I open the combo box, it throws this error:
    Microsoft JScript runtime error: DOM Exception: INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR (5)
    After that I get the following errors trying to do anything:
    Microsoft JScript runtime error: Unable to get value of the property 'setCapture': object is null or undefined

    Microsoft JScript runtime error: Unable to get value of the property 'releaseCapture': object is null or undefined

    Microsoft JScript runtime error: Unable to get value of the property 'setCapture': object is null or undefined

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