Need More Control Over Text Displayed

  •  06-02-2011, 8:45 PM

    Need More Control Over Text Displayed

    Earlier versions of DotNetGallery had an XML file that let me specify complete control over the display of photos which I needed. 
    • I put the thumbnails and the accompanying photos in an arbitrary order of my choosing
    • Each thumbnail had a title
    • Each photo had a centered title under the photo
    • Each photo had a centered description in a smaller font under the title
    • File names, photo sizes, and file dates were intentionally kept hidden from the viewer.
    I would like to be able to use the current release of DotNetGalley as I did in the past but I have seen no demos of how I might do this or any evidence that XML files are still supported.  Is it possible to be able to accomplish what I've listed in the bullet points above with the current release of DotNetGallery?
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