Uninstalled and reinstalled what was supposed to be a "developer mode" of Silverlight. After updating this "latest version" from v3 to v4, tried again, and got this almost identical error:
INFO ScriptVersion ,20110321-01
INFO UploadType/addontype,Auto/Silverlight
BEGIN event initialize
END event initialize
BEGIN event browse
END event browse,true
BEGIN event silverlight select
END event silverlight select,true
BEGIN event start
END event start
BEGIN event taskstart,{DAN4.XML:4179991}
END event taskstart
INFO InitFrame
ERROR silverlight report,error,de712d1c-810c-42eb-aaa2-55faa77e4a04,io,WebException : UnknownError,[HttpWebRequest_WebException_RemoteServer]
Arguments: NotFound
Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=106663&Version=4.0.60310.0&File=System.Windows.dll&Key=HttpWebRequest_WebException_RemoteServer
INFO Change to Silverlight Load Mode
INFO silverlight start load mode ,720896/4179991
BEGIN event error,DAN4.XML:SLM error:0,
END event error,true
BEGIN event taskerror,error:SLM error:0,
BEGIN event taskerror
BEGIN event stop
END event stop
The only difference is that it reached 17% before crapping out, and the GUID in the first error message is now different?
Also, please note that it is taking an Incredibly long amount of time to get this far - from starting to final error is 22 minutes!