Error when CuteEditor control is loading by Callback control(ComponentArt)

  •  05-26-2011, 2:02 AM

    Error when CuteEditor control is loading by Callback control(ComponentArt)

    I have an error when I try to load editor by Callback from ComponentArt.
    The error is fired on IE, on FF it's work properly.
    Error details:
    Message: Invalid character
    Line: 1
    Char: 7
    Code: 0
    URI: http://localhost:59030/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Images/1x1.gif?634419962455801160
    Below I put simple page , which contains this error. If you want, I can send complete project.
    1. <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="TempApp._Default" %>  
    3. <%@ Register Assembly="CuteEditor" Namespace="CuteEditor" TagPrefix="CE" %>  
    4. <%@ Register Assembly="ComponentArt.Web.UI" Namespace="ComponentArt.Web.UI" TagPrefix="ComponentArt" %>  
    5. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">  
    6. <html xmlns="">  
    7. <head runat="server">  
    9.     <script type="text/javascript">  
    10.         function annShow() {  
    11.             AnnnCallback.Callback();  
    12.         }  
    13.     </script>  
    15. </head>  
    16. <body>  
    17.     <form id="form1" runat="server">  
    18.     <div>  
    19.         <asp:Button ID="AnnShow" runat="server" OnClientClick="annShow(); return false;"  
    20.             Text="Show" />  
    21.         <ComponentArt:CallBack ID="AnnnCallback" runat="server" PostState="True">  
    22.             <Content>  
    23.                 <asp:Panel ID="AnnPanel" runat="server" Visible="false">  
    24.                     <CE:Editor ID="AnnnEditor" runat="server">  
    25.                     </CE:Editor>  
    26.                 </asp:Panel>  
    27.             </Content>  
    28.         </ComponentArt:CallBack>  
    29.     </div>  
    30.     </form>  
    31. </body>  
    32. </html>  
    1. using System;  
    3. namespace TempApp  
    4. {  
    5.     public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page  
    6.     {  
    7.         protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)  
    8.         {  
    9.             AnnnCallback.Callback += new ComponentArt.Web.UI.CallBack.CallbackEventHandler(AnnnCallback_Callback);  
    10.         }  
    12.         void AnnnCallback_Callback(object sender, ComponentArt.Web.UI.CallBackEventArgs e)  
    13.         {  
    14.             AnnPanel.Visible = true;  
    15.             AnnPanel.RenderControl(e.Output);  
    16.         }  
    17.     }  
    18. }  
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