CuteEditor is extremely slow when rendering on the Azure platform

  •  05-19-2011, 12:06 PM

    CuteEditor is extremely slow when rendering on the Azure platform

    I'm using your editor in Azure. However there is a problem when my code trys to load the CuteEditor control . It loads, but does so incrediably slowly.
    I used Fiddler2 to see the underlying issues and found,the file request
    was  trying to load via port 20000. I had a similar 'port issue' when I first transfer my app to the cloud. It appears Azure does internally use port 20000, but the application code cannot explicitly address it.
    Not sure if this would help,but my solution was to use Request.Headers["Host"] instead of directly checking if the port is the default and building the url appropriately.
    Just wondering if you will be fixing this issue in the near future or if there is another way I can code round it
    Thanks in advance
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