Re: 'read mode' for a gallery?

  •  05-08-2011, 11:15 PM

    Re: 'read mode' for a gallery?

    Hi briankitt,
     a reference solution,
     you can show the upload button in user's personal folder only in your existing solution.
    1.  Open the file "CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Dialogs/InsertGallery.apsx"
    2.  Find the method "protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs args)" , about line 171
    3.  Add the following code to end of the above method 
    1. //code to get user's personal gallery folder  
    2.         string userfoler = "/" + "signed in user id";  
    3.         if (Context.Request.QueryString["C_GP"] != null && Context.Request.QueryString["C_GP"].IndexOf(userfoler) >= 0)  
    4.         {  
    5.             myuploadFile.Visible = true;  
    6.         }  
    7.         else  
    8.         {  
    9.             myuploadFile.Visible = false;   
    10.         }  
     Hope it helps.
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