Demo & Widgets

  •  04-28-2011, 12:44 AM

    Demo & Widgets

    Dear Mr. Kenneth,
    Thanks very much for your support of installing  the demo of the ASP Image Gallery on our server. We managed to give the appropriate permissions and test the demo. After all, we're very satisfied with it and decided to purchase the software in a couple of days. I just have some concerns I hope that you can help me.
    On our website, the link was written as GalleryDemo. Is this "demo" word going to disappear after we purchase it? and what are our options to integrate the gallery on our website? Are there any widgets that we can use or do we have to link to its own page?
    I'm sorry if those are silly questions but I recently started to learn the system and I don't know much about the Community Server, not the ASP applications.
    Thanks again for your great support, you helped a lot
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