Hi cw808,
"The HTML code to be added has reached the character limit for this field: 200. Please reduce the message length to continue."
Please check your page and remove the MaxHTMLLength property of editor.
<CE:Editor ID="editor1" runat="server" MaxHTMLLength="10">
Also, when selecting an image in the Insert Image dialog or window, it seems to auto populate the width and height of the image. There are times when this is undesirable. How can I disable this auto population? 1. Open file "r\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Dialogs\InsertImage.aspx "
2. Add the code below to the end of the page
- <script>
- function do_preview()
- {
- var f=TargetUrl.value;
- if(f==null)
- {
- TargetUrl.value="";
- f=="";
- }
- if(f!=null&&f!="")
- {
- var preload;
- var wait;
- var preload = document.createElement("IMG");
- preload.src = f;
- function changeImage()
- {
- if (preload.complete) {
- window.clearInterval(wait);
- var foo = new Date();
- var now = foo.getTime();
- if (f == "")
- f = "../images/1x1.gif";
- if(f.indexOf("?")!=-1)
- f = f+"&time=" +now;
- else
- f = f+"?time=" +now;
- if(inp_width.value=="0"||inp_width.value=="")
- {
- inp_width.value = "";
- inp_height.value = "";
- }
- img_demo.src = f;
- if(Browser_IsWinIE())
- Event_Attach(img_demo,"onmousewheel",OnImageMouseWheel);
- img_demo.alt = AlternateText.value;
- img_demo.align = Align.value;
- img_demo.width = preload.width;
- img_demo.height = preload.height;
- img_demo.vspace = VSpace.value;
- img_demo.hspace = HSpace.value;
- if(parseInt(Border.value)>0)
- img_demo.border = Border.value;
- if(bordercolor.value!="")
- img_demo.style.borderColor = bordercolor.value;
- f=f.toLowerCase();
- if(f.indexOf(".aspx") != -1)
- {
- img_AutoThumbnail.style.display="none";
- if(img_ImageEditor)
- img_ImageEditor.style.display="none";
- }
- }
- }
- wait = window.setInterval(changeImage, 100);
- }
- }
- </script>