Protect table (html) contents

  •  01-22-2011, 10:17 PM

    Protect table (html) contents

    Hi, I'm hoping you can help me protect my HTML source code.
    In my CMS I have placeholders for dynamic data.
    One common placeholder is for table rows.
    The above example would  replace ##tabledata## with rows of data from the database.
    In previous versions of CuteEditor for ASP, the editor would not change the above source code when switching between Normal and HTML.
    Infact, in the Normal view, it would actually show ##tabledata## inside the bottom of the table (outside of any cells).
    However, in the new version, the RTE moves ##tabledata## to the top of the <table> tag.
    This of course completely breaks my CMS.
    How can I get it working again like the older version of CuteEditor?
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