Re: Problem when trying to give style to table rows

  •  01-20-2011, 2:34 AM

    Re: Problem when trying to give style to table rows

    That's not the problem, the thing is the editor used to do this when applying a class:
            <td class="some_class">some text</td>
            <td class="some_class">some text</td>
            <td class="some_class">some text</td>
            <td class="some_class">some text</td>
    and now does this:
            <td><span class="some_class">some text</span></td>
            <td><span class="some_class">some text</span></td>
            <td><span class="some_class">some text</span></td>
            <td><span class="some_class">some text</span></td>
    My class is defined to have a background color, so being in the  span now the backgroung has only the width of the text and not the width of the cell as intended.
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