Custom Embed Object

  •  01-03-2011, 7:03 PM

    Custom Embed Object

    I am trying to create a cusomt button that will allow you to embed a selected file rather then just display a link to it.
    This is my code so far...

    Set editor = New CuteEditor

    editor.ID = "Content"
    editor.Text = content
    editor.Height = "600"
    editor.Width = "900"
    editor.CustomAddons = "<img class=""CuteEditorButton"" onmouseover=""CuteEditor_ButtonCommandOver(this)"" onmouseout=""CuteEditor_ButtonCommandOut(this)"" onmousedown=""CuteEditor_ButtonCommandDown(this)"" onmouseup=""CuteEditor_ButtonCommandUp(this)"" Command=""Embed"" src=""/images/embed.gif"" />"  
        <script type="text/javascript" >   
            vareditor1=document.getElementById("<%= editor.ClientID %>");   
            function CuteEditor_OnCommand(editor,command,ui,value)   
                //handle the command by yourself   
                    editor.PasteHTML('<embed src="" width="100%" height="100%">');   
                    return true;   
    which works 100%. However, looking throught the documentation i didnt see a way i can access the file select screen.
    Is there anyway i can access a file select screen and have that selected file be the src of my embed?
    Thanks in advanced
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