How to customize the UI

  •  12-28-2010, 11:30 PM

    How to customize the UI

    I've tried looking in the documentation, but it wasn't clear to me at all.
    I'm trying to adjust the interface part where the file  is uploaded and displays the name. It looks like it gets rendered in a white table. There is a file attachment icon and a green checkbox.
    I've tried editing every background color field I could find in the properties and nothing is changing. 
    Here's my code block:
    1. <uploadattachments id="Attachments2" runat="server" insertbuttonid="ibAttachFiles"  
    2.     inserttext="Select files" multiplefilesupload="true" onattachmentadded="Attachments2_AttachmentAdded"  
    3.     onattachmentremoveclicked="Attachments2_AttachmentRemoveClicked" onuploadcompleted="Attachments2_UploadCompleted">   
    4.         <CuteWebUI:UploadAttachments ID="Attachments3" runat="server"    
    5.             InsertButtonID="ibAttachFiles" InsertText="Select files"    
    6.             MultipleFilesUpload="true" OnAttachmentAdded="Attachments2_AttachmentAdded"    
    7.             onattachmentremoveclicked="Attachments2_AttachmentRemoveClicked" ProgressPanelWidth="285" ProgressBarBorderStyle="border:1px solid #444444;" AttachmentTRStyle="background-color:#cc3300;" ItemCellStyle-BackColor="#CC0000">   
    8.         </CuteWebUI:UploadAttachments>   
    9.         </uploadattachments>   
    10. <asp:ListBox ID="lbxFiles" runat="server" CssClass="SendPanelAttachBox"    
    11.     Visible="False" Width="265px" BackColor="#CC0000" ForeColor="#990000">   
    12. </asp:ListBox>  
    I've looked in the <UPLOADATTACHMENTS> tag in the properties panel and if the property is there I need to edit, it's not clear to me.
    I'm also new to .net so I may just need some newb assistance.
    Thanks :)
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