Silverlight Exception

  •  11-14-2010, 7:09 AM

    Silverlight Exception

    The php file upload seems to work well for small file, but when upload a large file (video), I always get a Silverlight exception
    Your document says the default max file size is 2G so I commented out the setting, but that does not help.  I'm just using your form-simple-upload.php page:
     <div class="demo">
            <p> Browse to and upload your video.</ul>
       $uploader=new PhpUploader();
       $uploader->InsertText="Upload File (Max 2G)";
       //Where'd the files go?
    I am uploading on a somewhat slow connection, but I would not expect to receive this error:
    "Silverlight: The upoad task is interruped:
    Web Exception: UnknownError,[HttpWebRequest_WebException_RemoteServer]
    Arugments: NotFound
    Debugging resource strings are unavailable...
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