After uploading 500 Internal server error

  •  10-27-2010, 10:11 AM

    After uploading 500 Internal server error

    i'm trying your dll but with my 3th time i've got a 500 Internal Server Error. The first and second tests were ok but this not.
    i'm adding the dll on a real project Aspx Net Framework 2.0 Visual Studio 2010 and i'm developing on my machine.
    After uploading i've got on tempdir all files with uploading. prefix and the error message.
    Here the debug log:
    INFO ScriptVersion ,20101020-01
    INFO UploadType/addontype,Auto/Silverlight
    BEGIN event initialize
    END event initialize
    BEGIN event browse
    END event browse,true
    BEGIN event silverlight select
    END event silverlight select,true
    BEGIN event start
    END event start
    BEGIN event taskstart,{Stelle.JPG:2973}
    END event taskstart
    INFO InitFrame
    INFO silverlight report,response,13b689f0-3fcf-4fbf-a532-4b74a6811743,OK,
    INFO submit form via xmlhttp ,/Sito/RistorantiFoto.aspx?UploaderDebug=1&T=Gestione+Foto+Ristoranti&UseUploadModule=Dynamic&_Namespace=CuteWebUI&_UploaderDebugMode=1&_UploadID=ctl00_Corpo_Attachments1Image_1288191646448_1&_UploadControlID=ctl00$Corpo$Attachments1&ContextValue=!3wEWAQURfi9Gb3RvL1Jpc3RvcmFudGly1167YkO63bI6hCcV!3sxH9GsXrw!2!2&_MaxSizeKB=1000&_Addon=verify&_AddonGuid=13b689f0-3fcf-4fbf-a532-4b74a6811743
    INFO get http status,500
    INFO UploadError,ctl00_Corpo_Attachments1Image_1288191646448_1,http error1 :500:Internal Server Error,,Stelle.JPG
    BEGIN event error,Stelle.JPG:http error1 :500:Internal Server Error
    END event error,true
    BEGIN event taskerror,error:http error1 :500:Internal Server Error
    BEGIN event taskerror
    BEGIN event stop
    END event stop
    Any idea, please?
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