Re: Presale questions

  •  10-18-2010, 10:49 AM

    Re: Presale questions

    Thanks for the interest.
    >> see you can still use request.form using your module? So the other form fields are not changed when I upload the classic way?
    The other form fields will not be changed when you use aspuploader.
    >>And the text fields have our characters like čš and đ and ž inside. Do they stil get properly submitted on all IIS versions?
    aspuploader will not do anything to other test fields.
    >>The other question I have is regarding the ajax use. As I see I can use the uploader so that upload get's work right away so I do not need to refresh page to submit form at all?
    aspuploader basically comes with 3 solution for uploading files.
    1. If aspuploader detects SilverLight is installed on your PC, It will use the SilverLight solution.
    2. If aspuploader detects Flash is installed on your PC, It will use the Flash solution.
    3. If aspuploader detects Iframe is supported on your Browser, It will use the Iframe solution. 
    For SilverLight and Flash solution, the page doesn't refresh at all.
    If your client machines don't have silverlight or flash installed, you still need to use Ajax.
    >>Can this component be included in TinyMCE for example also or is it dependant on your Rich editor?
    It can be used on any rich text editor and CMS.
    Hope it helps.
    Let me know if you have any further questions.
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