Failed on ReadEntityBody, unexpected data ending

  •  10-12-2010, 2:51 AM

    Failed on ReadEntityBody, unexpected data ending

    A customer reported the following error.
    The upload - consisting of a 250 MB file - had been going well for 45% percent, then an alert window appeared saying: 
    Flash: The upload task is interrupted! io Error #2038
    Server side error: System.Exception: Error:Failed on
    ReadEntityBody, unexpected data ending (2)
     at CuteWebUI.a.a(HttpContext A_0,
    HttpWorkerRequest A_1, MemoryStream A_2, FileStream
    A_3, String& A_4)
     at CuteWebUI.a.b(HttpWorkerRequest A_0)
     at CuteWebUI.UploadModule.d(HttpContext A_0)
    He uses Mac OS, and Firefox 3.6.  (it happened again after retrying)
    Any ideas about the cause of this and the solution?
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