Pasting Word Document Content on Server Side

  •  10-04-2010, 3:44 AM

    Pasting Word Document Content on Server Side

    Since the LoadWord is not implemented yet, i thought of the following:
       - read the content of a word document using MsWord object on server side
       - copy the content of the file to clipboard
       - paste it to the Editor using the option PasteWord which cleans complex word formats
    I was able to write the code for the first two parts as follows

    'Read the DOC file

    Dim filePath As String = Server.MapPath("Forms\opr.doc")
    Dim wordApplication As Word.Application = New Word.Application
    Dim wordDoc As Word.Document = wordApplication.Documents.Open(filePath) wordApplication.ActiveDocument.Content.Copy()

    'Paste into Cute Editor

    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try


    However how to write the part that pastes to the editor!?!? Any ideas out there?

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