Disconnection Problems - Load Balancing, Application Pool, what?

  •  09-20-2010, 3:57 PM

    Disconnection Problems - Load Balancing, Application Pool, what?

    Hi, I've been having a lot of problems lately with users being disconnected (as the picture below shows).  Now the right picture error hasn't happened for a long time so I believe that one is fixed, but the left one has been happening anytime someone updates a DLL, or the application pool gets recycled, and a few other times I can't explain.
    I checked our IIS connection, it says we only have 1 worker process running (IIS 7). 
    We have a seperate application server and database server, but as far as I can tell we don't have any load balancing process running.  Any ideas?  This error has been driving me insane for the last week, I can't figure it out.  I assumed it may have been related to session state, but after changing it over to SQL it still didn't fix it.
    Any ideas are appreciated,

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