Re: Cute Editor In subdirectory

  •  05-04-2005, 11:59 AM

    Re: Cute Editor In subdirectory

    Absolutely Adam :
        / --> The root
        /Editor --> The cute editor client directory
    The root area has a single test page with a cute editor control that works fine, its filepath is set to Editor
    The Admin area has a content page (content.aspx) that is used to edit our homepage, about us,... and various other relatively static pages.  The cute editor on this page goes grey with the hourglass.  It's filepath is set to ../Editor.  I have also tried a fully quailifed path /Editor and as a final test I made another copy of the editor directory underneath the Admin directory (/Admin/Editor) and set the file path to ./Editor with the exact same results.  Is it possible that since the lic file is in the /bin directory of the root that it is not being found when the cuteeditor is in a subdirectory?
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