Re: AjaxUploader Hangs in Firefox 3.6

  •  08-27-2010, 9:14 AM

    Re: AjaxUploader Hangs in Firefox 3.6
    I've redeployed with the latest binary and now get a different problem.
    During the upload I get an error popup:
    Silverlight : The upload task is interrupted!
    WebException : UnknownError,The remote server returned an error: NotFound.
     Now. I've tested this with various configurations:
    WinXP - Firefox: works
    WinXP - IE: works
    Win7 (machine 1) - FireFox: doesn't work, error above
    Win7 (machine 1) - IE: works
    Win7 (machine 1) - Chrome: error above
    Win7 (machine 2) - Firefox: works fine
    Win7 (machine 2) - IE: doesn't work, stops in mid-upload
    Win2003 - Firefox: works
    Win2003 - IE: works
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