In web farm environments, the Url that you specify must map to a central location, which is saved to by all servers in the farm. This can be done using a virtual directory that maps to a common shared folder on the network.
<add key="CuteEditorTempPath" value="\\shareserver\temp"/>
<ce:uploader id="InputFile" runat="server" UploadType="IFrame"></ce:uploader>, it will use "IFrame" upload mode, uploader is still visible and you can use it, it will work in "IFrame" Mode.
If you want to disable upload, you can update the security policy file (default security policy file is "\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Configuration\Security\Default.config")
<security name="ThumbnailColumns">5</security>
<security name="ThumbnailRows">3</security>
<security name="AllowUpload">true</security>
<security name="AllowModify">true</security>
<security name="AllowRename">true</security>
<security name="AllowDelete">true</security>
<security name="AllowCopy">true</security>