Interfacing streamming video to cute editor

  •  08-24-2010, 10:26 PM

    Interfacing streamming video to cute editor

    My goal is to do an interface from our service that is very similar to tthe YouTube interface currently offered.  Using the Diaglog example, I almost succceeded.  I now have a button that will upload an embeded player that includes the video.  This player is an html embed that requires the user to manually embed the video.  I have two problems as follows:
    1.   I would prefer to aautomatically embed the code but I have run into problem during this since my uploader is in a javascript download since I followed the diglog example.  I have not succeed in interface my uploader directly to the editor.  Any help here is appreciated.
    2.    When I use the HTML view to enter the embed, I get the palyer and movie but I can not enteer anything else.  I suspect this is due to maximum limits I have encocutered.  I have set  MaxFilesLimit="100" and  MaxHTMLLength="100" with no effect.
    However, inspite of the problems mentioned in 1 and 2, the video plays which convince me there is a solution that is veyr close towhat is provided for YouTube.
    Is theere a way to interface directly to the YouTube solution.  That would be an excellent solution.
    Thanks for any suggestions anyone can provide.
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