Re: Bullet and Ordered Lists behave differently in FireFox and Internet Explorer

  •  08-17-2010, 12:00 PM

    Re: Bullet and Ordered Lists behave differently in FireFox and Internet Explorer

    Thanks Adman, i do know this I wrote the work arounds on that post ;)  This one is a little different. 
    That post was about BR elements not working with bullets in one way, this one is about having different html behavior in different browsers.
    On a note about the other post as well; It's not fair to claim that you support different browsers when the editor behaves differently on each.  This complicates things for a lot of people, having to re-write code, documentation for different browsers, and really we cant trust the editor to work as designed across all the browsers you say you support.  We purchased because of the complexity of such issues and trust that when you say you support x and y that they will behaves in the same fasion on both.  This seems to be a pain point to a lot of people, can you please add this as a bug as the editor should behave the same across all browsers.
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