Font size/color of bullets on unordered lists

  •  08-10-2010, 2:01 PM

    Font size/color of bullets on unordered lists

    After highlighting the text on lists (ordered and unordered), the numbers or bullets are not updated by the font size or color changes.  For example, begin with the code below (this is the same code the editor creates when adding an unordered list in the "normal" tab):
    Now, in the Normal tab, highlight all items (like below) and use the font color button to change the color.
    • item1
    • Item2
    • Item3
    The result looks like this:
    • item1
    • Item2
    • Item3
    As you can see, the bullets are still black.  
    The html for the example above (with red text) is:
        <li><span style="color: #ff0000">item1 </span></li>
        <li><span style="color: #ff0000">Item2 </span></li>
        <li><span style="color: #ff0000">Item3 </span></li>
    Desired html code for the example above (red bullets and red text):
    <ul><font color-"#ff0000">
        <li><span>item1 </span></li>
        <li><span>Item2 </span></li>
        <li><span>Item3 </span></li>
    Is there a way to customize the editor to save the desired code automatically?
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