Server side exception

  •  07-26-2010, 4:20 AM

    Server side exception

    When I want to upload a jpg I get this message.
    When I run it local in my wampserver I don't get tis message and everything works fine.
    But when I upload the script to the webserver of my webhoster I get this message when I want to upload a jpg
    I have chmod 777 the phpuploader dir and the destination dir but that didn't help.
    I overwritten the php.ini with:
    output_buffering = on
    file_uploads   on
    upload_max_filesize  1024M
    max_input_time  3000
    memory_limit  1536M
    max_execution_time 3000
    post_max_size 1024M
    but that didn't help either
    Can someone please help me with this problem. The webhoster also doesn't know what is wrong.
    solved with
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